
A pledge program is conducted for new members to achieve the following objectives:

There is no hazing or informal initiation in connection with Alpha Phi Omega. Your pledge program will allow you to demonstrate your interest in service, but in no way will it demean you as an individual, nor will it require you to perform personal service for the active members.

Place of the Pledge in the Chapter

When you become a Pledge in Alpha Phi Omega, you occupy a special niche in the structure of the Fraternity. You do not yet have the status and privileges given to a full Brother because you are not familiar with many important details about the chapter including our program, our procedures, and our history. On the other hand, you are one of the most important people in the chapter, since Pledges are the future lifeblood of the Fraternity.

In any Fraternity, it is traditional for Pledges to prove themselves before being granted full membership. As such, the pledge program has been designed to make this transition possible.

The Purpose of Pledging

Pledging is a trial period for you and the Brotherhood to interact. Brotherhood in Alpha Phi Omega has its requirements. Alpha Phi Omega Brothers possess a strong sense of leadership, pride, mutual respect, honor, and a dedication to perform service. These qualities take time to develop. During your pledge period you will be given the opportunity to develop these skills.

The goal of the pledge program is not to make life difficult for Pledges, but to provide them with the information and understanding necessary to becoming a Brother. Each Brother in the chapter has been in the same position when he was a Pledge, and has earned the full rights of membership. As such, Brothers deserve respect. It is a requirement that Pledges respect the Brothers and the Brotherhood as a whole. If a Brother asks you to do something (other than unreasonable personal favors) do it as part of pledging. In due time, each Pledge will become a Brother, and will be due that same respect from the Brothers and new Pledges.

Hazing is not allowed in Alpha Phi Omega. You may be asked to attend meetings, perform projects for the chapter, or participate in mandatory pledge activities; these do not constitute hazing. If you feel that a Brother violates your personal rights or at tempts to haze, consult with both the Pledge Trainer and the Sergeant-at-Arms who will then bring the situation to the attention of the Pledge Review Committee. Hazing is illegal in any form, and Alpha Phi Omega does not condone any form of hazing.

In Alpha Phi Omega, you will have the chance to demonstrate leadership, make new friends, and participate in service. Through our three cardinal principles you will be developing a brotherhood bond within the Pledge Class and with the Brothers. This unity and trust is special to Alpha Phi Omega. It helps make this Fraternity unique. No matter what the event, time, place, situation, need, problem, question or service, you can count on Brothers to be true friends.

We are proud to have you as a Pledge and glad to accept your services for the continuation of Kappa Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, and all of the good work this chapter performs.

Individual Pledge Requirements

The following individual requirements have been established by the chapter in order to be initiated into the Kappa Omicron Chapter.

  1. First and foremost, thirty-five (35) required hours must be completed. Hours may be obtained through planning and/or participation in membership, fellowship, or service projects. Hours may be broken down in the following fashion:
    • A minimum of twenty (20) required hours must be obtained through the planning and/or participation in service projects. The 20 service hours may be cut in half (10) through the registration and active volunteer participation of the pledge in a regularly functioning community service organization. (i.e. serve as an assistant scout leader, Red Cross volunteer, etc.) Subject to approval by the service vice-president.
    • A minimum of ten (10) required hours must be office hours . Simply spending time in the office getting to know the brothers and/or performing small congenial gestures (i.e. cleaning up, doing dishes, sweeping, etc…the same stuff the brothers do).
    • The remaining five (5) required hours may be acquired through studying with a brother. These shall the most easily acquired hours.

    All hours must be signed for by a brother in the designated space in your pledge book.

  2. Wear Pledge Pin at all times, except when concerning the 4 S's, which are as follows:
    • Sex (don't give me that innocent look)
    • Sleeping (afterwards, if a particularly strenuous session)
    • Showering (to and from)
    • Any sports where wearing the Pin may be considered hazardous. In these cases, the Pin should be with you, either in your pocket or with your belongings brought to the sport. Once the sport is over, the Pin should go back on.

    For clarification: The Pledge Pin should be worn whenever you have clothes on. Moreover, the Pledge Pin should be worn over your heart, on your shirt of course. Any Active, Associate, Alumni, Advisory Brother or Pledge can inform the Pledge Trainer whenever a violation occurs.

  3. Participate in the Pledge Class Service project.
  4. Participate in the Pledge Class Fellowship project.
  5. Meeting attendance. Pledges are required to attend All pledge meetings and 1/3 of brotherhood meetings. Only University medical, or other appropriate excuses will be accepted.
  6. Pledge quizzes. Quizzes and the final must be passed with a score of 75 percent or better; otherwise a makeup will be given. Makeup quizzes will be more difficult. It is to your advantage to pass the quizzes the first time.
  7. Pledge Interviews. 2/3 + 1 of the active brotherhood as well as three of the advisors must be interviewed.
  8. Possession of Signature and Pledge Books. Pledges are required to carry their Signature Book with them at all times. It is advisable to carry your Pledge Book to all Alpha Phi Omega events.
  9. The Pledges will make a Pledge Paddle for their Big Brother.
  10. Embrace your "family tree" as far back as you possibly can, including at least all Active Brothers in the chapter; go back at least three alumni generations. You will receive a quiz grade on your family tree.
  11. Meet all finance deadlines as established by the Brotherhood for Pledging and Brotherhood fees. Failure to meet these could result in administrative deferral or de-pledging.
  12. Pledge Attitude. Enthusiasm, Pride, and Respect!
  13. Pledging is a time of fun and a time of work. It is a time of learning and time of doing. It is a time of making new friends and a time of being friends. It is a time of thought and a time of decision. It is a time of preparation and a time of choices. It is a time to remember.

Pledge Class Requirements

  1. The Pledge Class shall elect its own officers and conduct weekly meetings and develop unity through teamwork.
  2. The Pledge Class shall see that minutes are taken at all Pledge Class meetings and made available to all members.
  3. The Pledge Class shall investigate various service and fellowship ideas and select, plan, coordinate, and participate in a service and fellowship project inviting and involving the entire chapter. All of the pledges must participate in both projects for the projects to be accepted as completed.
  4. The Pledge Class shall conduct itself in such a manner as befits the school, this chapter, and Alpha Phi Omega.
  5. The Pledge Class shall make some permanent reminder of their Pledge Class to be placed in the chapter office.
  6. The Pledge Class shall inform the Brotherhood of the status of the Pledge Class in completion of the pledge program.
  7. The Pledge Class shall select one Brother for the Outstanding Brother Award to be presented at the chapter's semester banquet.

Useful Definitions

Brother Interviews
Since the Brotherhood of Alpha Phi Omega does not live together in a house, it is necessary for each Pledge to visit every active member sometime during the semester in order to get to know each other. Pledges should plan on spacing out these interviews over their entire pledge program, rather than bunching them up at the end. A Pledge/Brother interview should not be a quick question and answer period, but rather a time for the two to become better acquainted. A Brother may not give you his/her interview the first time because of other time constraints, but they will sometime during the semester. Some Brothers may want you to visit them in their dorm rooms or apartments, while others will talk to you at the office. The Brother's signature may be obtained after the interview; however the Brother will sign your book when he feels like he knows you well enough. This may require more than one visit, or just hanging around the office; Brothers are always in and out. You might want to take notes on personal information about each Brother -- this makes for great Pledge Inquiry questions!
Pledge Project
The Pledge Class will undertake a service project and a fellowship event, with the approval of the Brotherhood. The chapter shall vote upon and approve the Pledge Class Project at least one week in advance. The service project may be geared to the chapter, campus, community, or nation. The Pledge Class will work as a team on the project to fulfill their requirements. Time spent on the Pledge Service Project will count towards pledge service hours.
Pledge Quizzes
Graded examinations will be given frequently during the pledge period. These will be your opportunity to show what you have learned about the Fraternity, the chapter, and the Brothers. TAKE THESE TESTS VERY SERIOUSLY! You must receive a 75% or above. Your grades on these exams, your service hours, and the number of Brother interviews will be used to assess your performance during the semester. They will also be used to determine whether you should continue with the pledge program.
Big Brother/Little Brother Activity
Pledges and Big Brothers should participate in some sort of activity with each other at least once a week; whether it be going to dinner, seeing a movie together, or anything else agreeable to both the pledge and the Big Brother. The event need not be formal, but should be something which enhances the pledging experience for both the Pledge and the Big Brother.
Pledge Inquiries
During the pledge period, one or more Pledge Inquiries will be held. These are reviews between individual Pledges and several Brothers. Brothers will have the opportunity to ask you questions about the Fraternity, the chapter, and individual Brothers. A list of questions that may be asked in Inquiry will be compiled by the Pledge Trainers at the beginning of the semester and posted in the office. In addition, you will have the chance to voice your opinion about how the pledge program is going, any foreseeable problems, or suggestions for improvement. The inquiry panel will be reviewing your performance up to this point and reporting to the Brotherhood about the overall performance of the Pledge Class. Pledge Inquiries are mandatory events for all Pledges !
Blue and Gold Days
Twice during the semester, there will be an afternoon of fun and fellowship between the Brothers and the Pledges. Brothers and Pledges will be divided into teams for informal contests. Contests may include three-legged races, egg toss, or quiz bowls on Alpha Phi Omega history (depending on how pledging is going!). The afternoon may culminate in a brotherhood dinner of some sort, either a cookout or spaghetti, etc. Immediately following the first event, the Brotherhood may meet to decide whether to allow Pledges to continue during the semester, or whether to ask specific Pledges to defer. After the second event, the Brothers will be voting to admit Pledges as full members. Pledging can be a very intense period for some Pledges, and hopefully these social events will allow Pledges to relax and get to know Pledges and Brothers better.
The Ritual
After you have served your period of pledging, you will be elected into the Membership by a vote of the chapter. You will then be formally initiated into the Fraternity according to the Official Ritual of the National Fraternity. All members are initiate d by this common ritual, which will not violate any of your personal rights or beliefs.
While Alpha Phi Omega is basically a non-secret Fraternity, the ritual itself is something that the Membership shares only with itself. It is not elaborate or Byzantine, but simple and exemplified with dignity.
During the ritual, you will learn the symbolism of our coat of arms and our badge, learn our handclasp, receive membership credentials, and affirm your loyalty and faith to the principles of our Fraternity.
Big Brother
An Active Brother currently in the Chapter assigned to Each Pledge. The Big Brother takes a special interest in a Pledge and aids them with any problems which might come up during pledging. Besides the Pledge Trainer, the Big Brother should be the most important source of information concerning the Fraternity for the Pledge. (see Big Brother Responsibilities)
Pledge Trainer
The Pledge Trainer coordinates the pledge program and prepares the Pledges for acceptance into the membership. He provides each Pledge with the opportunity to learn fundamentals of Alpha Phi Omega and grasp the spirit of the Fraternity before initiation into active membership. The Pledge Trainer reports to the Membership Vice-President and receives direction from the Membership Vice-President on the pledge program.
Pledge Class Officers
For the sake of unity among the Pledges and as an initial opportunity for the Pledges to exemplify some qualities of leadership, Pledge class officers will be elected. In the case of less than 15 initial Pledges, four officers shall be elected. They shall be the Executive Chair, the Administrative Chair, the Secretary/ Historian, and the Service Chair. If there are over 15 Pledges initially, seven officers shall be elected. They are: Executive Chair, Administrative Chair, Service Chair, Fellowship Chair, Brotherhood Liaison, Secretary, and Historian. Pledge Class Officers work with the Pledge class and the Pledge Trainer, but report to and are responsible to the Chapter President.
In an effort to develop leadership, the chapter generally leaves Pledge Class officer responsibilities to the Pledge Class. Realizing that some guidance may be necessary, job description summaries follow:
  • President - Chair the Pledge Class meetings and assist in the development and focus of Pledge Class activities
  • Adminstrative VP - Record the minutes of all Pledge Class meetings and Pledge class officer meetings and make them available to the Brotherhood and the Pledge Class. Handle money as necessary.
  • Historian - Photograph and chronicle (in writing) the Pledge Class as they participate in the chapter program and through the development and progress of the pledge program. Make a permanent record to be left for the chapter history.
  • Brotherhood Liaison - Coordinate events and communication between the Pledge Class and the Brotherhood. Speaks on behalf of the Pledge Class when the Pledge Class has announcements or questions of the Brotherhood at chapter meetings. The Brotherhood Liaison shall make reports to the Executive Committee on the status of the Pledge Class.
  • Fellowship VP - Coordinate fellowship events for the Pledge Class and in conjunction with the Brotherhood.
  • Service VP - Coordinate Pledges to plan, develop and execute the Pledge Class Service Project and Pledge participation in Brotherhood projects.
Pledge Meetings
The Pledge meetings will be held on each Sunday for approximately one hour before the Brotherhood meetings. Unexcused absences are not allowed . Periodically, Pledges will be tested on material such as: information about Brothers, national Fraternity history, chapter history. After Pledge Class officers are elected the Pledge Class will be holding their own meetings to work on their projects.
Service Hours
It is essential that Pledges record their service hours immediately after the project, and have the Brother in charge initial those hours. After the project, there is no guarantee that you will get those hours recorded as valid if they are not signed.
Pledge Progress Chart
There will be a pledge progress chart which lists all of the Pledges and all of the requirements individually and as a Pledge Class. This permanent reminder makes it obvious to the Brothers and Pledges where the Pledges stand in relation to completing pledging individually and as a whole. This chart will be updated only by the Pledge Trainer and will be displayed in a prominent place in the office determined by the Administrative Vice-President. This professional looking chart will also indicate each week the high, low and average number of hours accumulated by the Pledge Class to date.
Pledge Pin
Pledges are required to wear the Fraternity's Pledge Pin during the entire pledge period. The Membership Committee may authorize certain exceptions. If Pledges are caught without their Pledge Pin, they will be required to write a letter of apology to be read before the entire Brotherhood. The Pledge Pin is a mark of distinction. It is a constant reminder that you are striving to dedicate yourself to the Cardinal Principles of Alpha Phi Omega: Leadership, Friendship, and Service. As such, it is worn with pride. The Pin is worn over the heart and in the straight upright position.
The Pin should be worn upright. Any Brother may appropriately rotate a Pledge to return the Pin to its "original upright position" through tipping. This can be prevented by the proper attention of Pledges to their pin's orientation. If you have problems "keeping it up", stick some Styrofoam between the rod and the backing.
Whenever a Pledge is caught without the pin on, an apology directed to the Pledge Class should be read to the Pledge Class and the Brotherhood.
Pledge Book
The Pledge Book will contain the National Handbook, the Chapter Handbook, the Signature Book and a notebook or loose leaf paper. It will be given to you and made by your Big Brother. The National Handbook and Chapter Handbook are guides to the policies and history of Alpha Phi Omega. The Signature Book is for the required Brother signatures and for a record of your activities within the chapter. By keeping track of your involvement, it allows you, your Pledge Trainer, your Big Brother, and the Membership Vice-President to evaluate your progress.
Your Signature Book is required to be with you at all times. It is advisable that you have your Pledge Book with you while attending all Alpha Phi Omega events, even if they are off campus.
You never know when a Brother might appear, wanting to see it. Under any circumstances, with the exception of while at service projects and fellowship events (and even then be careful), you should not leave your Pledge Book unattended. Unattended Pledge Books have a habit of disappearing or being appropriated. (see Raids)
Pledge Paddle
Before becoming a Brother, Pledges will be required to make a paddle for their Big Brother for the traditional paddle exchange. The paddle is a symbol of dedication to the principles of the Fraternity, and will not be used for any other purpose other than as a symbolic reminder of the Fraternity and your pledge period.
Pledge Review Board
This committee is made up of the Chapter President, Pledge Trainer(s), Membership Vice-President, Sergeant-At-Arms, and a randomly selected Brother, or two if needed to make the number of members on the board uneven to avoid ties. The function of this board is to deal with problems, or misconduct that may arise concerning Pledges during the pledge period.
Deferring is an option available to Pledges who feel they cannot meet the pledge requirements in the time allotted for their Pledge class for whatever reason. Pledges are allowed to postpone the completion of the pledge requirements, up to a maximum of 18 academic weeks (about 2 semesters). If after 18 weeks, a Pledge has not completed the requirements, they are dropped from pledging. It is suggested that in order to defer, a Pledge must complete 40% of the required service hours. The Membership Vice-President shall make the determination on whether deferring or de-pledging is the appropriate option for the Pledge. Any Pledge who is interested in deferring for personal or academic reasons must see the Membership Vice-President to receive the deferment.


Expectations of Brothers

  1. Accurate reporting of service hours to the Project Chair.
  2. Serve on at least one chapter committee in an active role.
  3. Chair one service, membership and fellowship project each semester.
  4. Serve the chapter in a leadership capacity as a chapter officer or committee chair.
  5. Become a Big Brother and actively participate in the Big Brother program.
  6. Wear colors on Color Days and all service projects the chapter participates in.
  7. Pay all chapter and national dues within the deadlines established by the chapter.
  8. Participate as required in Pledge Raids.
  9. Participate in the Pledge Inquiry.
  10. Mention Alpha Phi Omega to others who may have an interest in providing service.
  11. Find a replacement before graduation.
  12. Actively participate in rush activities.
  13. Act in ways that shed a positive image on the chapter and the Fraternity.
  14. Be available to Pledges who have questions or desire to learn about you.

Big Brother Expectations

Big Brothers are a necessary and needed part of the pledge program. Big Brothers should be the Pledge's main link into the Fraternity. Being a Big Brother carries many responsibilities and the position should not be taken lightly.

These are not suggestions, these are requirements to being a Big Brother . They are not difficult and extremely necessary to the future of Alpha Phi Omega. Live up to them.

Kappa Omicron Life Members

The cost of Life Membership is $50.00 as an undergraduate and $100 if you wait until after you graduate. As a Life Member, you receive a lifetime subscription to Torch & Trefoil, the official Fraternity magazine, a life membership card, and a certificate suitable for framing. In addition, you will be authorized to purchase the distinctive Life Member Pin. If you are interested in Life Membership, see the Membership Vice-President for more information.

Chapter History

During the years 1951 and 1952, interest in fraternal origination dedicated to doing service rose on this campus. Alpha Phi Omega was the organization that best exemplified the type of service organization that the original Brothers and advisors wanted. Information from the national office was requested, and eventually, a petition was sent to Alpha Phi Omega requesting consideration for a charter.

The charter was presented to the chapter by Ray O. Wyland,

Ray O. Wyland

one of the Alpha Chapter's original Scouting Advisors, on May 18, 1952 in Memorial Hall to five officers, twenty Brothers, and six advisors. Kappa Omicron became the 255th chapter of Alpha Phi Omega.

Our founders on this campus were, E.G. Warner, local Scout Executive, Harold M. "Kid" Gore, a Professor and active man in Scouting, "Red" Ball, Dr. Gordon King, Ronald K. Mansbach, the first President, brothers William Whitmore, Harris Tanner, and Advisor Mr. Alden P. Tuttle. The first President of this chapter after presentation of the charter was William Whitmore.

Just as the Alpha Chapter was formed from Brothers of several different social fraternities, so too was Kappa Omicron. Of the founding 25 Brothers, three were from Lamda Chi Alpha, and one each from Phi Mu Delta and Tau Kappa Epsilon. Another of the founding Brothers was from QTV, a local Fraternity.

The first project the newly formed Kappa Omicron Chapter did was the erection of a bridge across a stream where the School of Business Administration now stands, connecting the Central Area with the Main Quadrangle. This project kicked off the tremendous service program that we have had over the years, and still have today.

Our first Advisory Committee Chair was Harold Gore, but by 1953, Alden Tuttle would become the Chapter's Advisory Committee Chair well into the 1970s.

The National Fraternity's traditional project, Ugly Man on Campus (UMOC) started in 1954. In the first year, the chapter raised over $230.00.

In 1956, the chapter sponsored a service project which obtained National publicity in the Torch & Trefoil, The chapter ran a "Books for Asia" drive, and sent the donated materials to students half-way around the world.

Our most famous, and possibly most successful service project has been the Annual Las Vegas night. Begun in 1960, Las Vegas Night has resulted in thousands of dollars being raised for charitable causes.

Our Chapter sent a contingent to the 1960 National Convention in Philadelphia, and one of our Brothers, A. Parker Cleveland, led a workshop for Secretaries.

In the 1960s, the chapter had an active Scouting service program, helping run events like the 1961 Hampshire-Franklin Council Scoutarama. The chapter also hosted prestigious events like the Annual Council Silver Beaver Dinner, where the highest Council Award for Service to Youth is presented. The chapter also participated in the 1967 Region I Exploring Conference held on our Campus.

There was a time when we did tremendous amounts of service, but we were virtually unknown because we were a service club and not a fraternity. These were the days of 125 active Brothers and 50-60 pledges. The Brothers at this time did a lot of service, but they were members of a club, and nothing more. To combat this, membership policy became more selective thereby cutting down the numbers, and also fellowship took on a more active role in our Fraternity.

In 1963, when the University maintained GPA records for fraternities, Alpha Phi Omega held the highest fraternity average with a 2.561. That year, the chapter financially assisted with The Critique, the predecessor to the modern Course and Teacher Evaluation (CATE) guide, discontinued in 1989.

Kappa Omicron sent a contingent of 4 Brothers to the 1964 National Convention in Denver. Delegates to this convention included Chapter President Martin Rosenberg, Ross Jones, Mike Berrini, and Don Haynes.

One of the chapter's brightest years occur red in 1965. That year, the chapter managed to extend the Fraternity to Fitchburg State College. Through the efforts of Tom Christiansen, a Brother who transferred to Fitchburg State, and Martin J. Rosenberg, our extension chairman, thirty-one Brothers an d advisors became Brothers in our Fraternity on November 4, 1965. Kappa Omicron provided the ritual team and assisted in the induction of the Omicron Psi Chapter.

On the same weekend (November 5-6), the chapter managed to acquire the Argo Cup while at the New England Sectional Conference at Yale University. The story behind the acquisition can be found elsewhere.

One of our continuing service projects from very early in our existence is the Ride Board, located on the third floor of the Student Union building. At least since the early 1960s, the chapter has maintained this service to the campus.

In the Pledge Manual, there is a short paragraph dedicated to David B. Arlen. But, in light of the fact that he was probably the most prominent Brother in Kappa Omicron history, he deserves more recognition, and you, as a Pledge, should know more about him.

Kappa Omicron Chapter first allowed women to pledge in 1986. At a point when membership was declining, and the chapter might have closed without increases in membership, the 1986 Pledge Class was made coed. The first woman Chapter President of Kappa Omicron Chapter was Kathryn S. Turner in 1988.

The chapter sent four Brothers to the 1988 Convention in Denver. Our two voting delegates were Chris Morton and Jenn "Blondie" Heberle. Paul DelGallo and Bob Kaminsky attended the Convention as well.

In 1990, the chapter once again sent a sizable contingent to the thirtieth convention in St. Louis. The chapter's voting delegates were Julie Casey and Craig Donais. Julie served on the Service Reference Committee, and Craig chaired the Scouting Reference Committee. Eric Goldman, Toni Cann, Rich Barry and Karen McClure rounded out the undergraduates attending. Jenn Heberle came back for seconds again, meeting us in St. Louis.

Nineteen ninety-one was a good year for Kappa Omicron. First was the development and first publication of this Chapter Handbook which was designed to explicitly state what was expected of Brothers and Pledges. Since the Spring of 1991, the Handbook has been growing and evolving to fit the needs of the chapter.

The chapter office was renovated in January 1991. The Trophy Case was cleaned up; the mailboxes were installed; the Executive Committee board was installed; the Kappa Omicron door plate was created and installed; shelves above the sink were installed. Many other items were improved, resulting in a more pleasant atmosphere for all brothers.

Membership has been increasing because of large Pledge Classes. Both the Spring and Fall '91 Pledge Classes have been the largest Pledge Classes on campus of any fraternity. Membership in these Pledge Classes averaged 25 members.

The chapter reactivated several older traditions that had become dormant for many years. These traditions have strengthened the chapter and its program. Chapter awards became reactivated in the Spring of 1991. These awards were presented at the next reactivated tradition -- the Chapter Banquet. Banquets were held in both the Spring and Fall, and Brothers now anxiously await this semesterly event.

The Advisory Committee was reactivated in February 1991. The chapter had advisors for many years, although not much was done with them. The advisors have become more involved through the Advisory Committee, and take a larger interest and participation in the Chapter, primarily through the monthly Advisory Committee meetings.

November 1991 was a busy month for the Chapter. That month, the chapter started a new traditional service project. Scout University was developed to use the skills the Brothers have learned in college or other experiences to help both Boy and Girl Scouts to earn badges. Topics included law, computers, pets, music, orienteering, fitness and many others.

In fellowship news, the Argo Cup was returned to the chapter in November 1991. Many Brothers were eager to put this chapter treasure to good use. Since the chapter went coed after the Cup was lost, this Cup ceremony was historic. Wendy Murphy, at that time Membership Vice-President, became a part of Cup Party history as the first female Brother to partake in the Cup ceremony and experience the "Nectar of the Gods."

November also saw a major overhaul of chapter bylaws. Since the last revision in May 1989, the chapter had expanded and improved its operations beyond the scope of the older bylaws. Over 50 revisions were passed, reflecting the improved Kappa Omicron.

The Chapter continued its traditional semesterly Fellowship Weekend at the end of the semester, started in Fall 1990. While the first two Weekends were held at the UMass Outing Club cabin in New Hampshire, the Fall 1991 Weekend was held at Camp Lewis Perkins in South Hadley. The chapter performed a service project for the Girl Scouts by gutting the interior of a cabin.

In addition to the semesterly Fellowship Weekend (also known as cabin) at the end of the semester, in the Spring of 1998, the tradition of having a pledge retreat weekend at the beginning of each semester was started at the White Birch Campground. This weekend brought the new pledges together for a weekend of service, fellowship, and pledge class bonding, and gave brothers a chance to get to know pledges early on in the semester.

This semester also saw the beginning of the Great APO pie contest which was started by Chad and Justine where the brothers and pledges could get together and sample each others cooking abilities.

In the Fall of 1998, Kappa Omicron hosted "Mysteries of the Unknown" a section 94/96 Conclave Halloween weekend. There were preformances by the Not Ready for Bedtime Players, and a Halloween inspired costume banquet complete with Spice Girls and Captain Condom.

Chapter Presidents

Service Vice Presidents

Membership Vice Presidents

Fellowship Vice Presidents

Executive Vice Presidents

Administrative Vice Presidents


Recording Secretaries

Pledge Trainers

Publicity Coordinator

Newsletter Editor



Corresponding Secretary

Scouting Liaison

Rush Coordinator

Alumni Secretary

Ritual Chair

Service Chairs

APO Dictionary

Active Brother
A Brother who pays his dues, and attends at least one meeting every three weeks. Active Brothers are used to determine quorum, and are entitled to vote at chapter and committee meetings.
Administrative Officer
An officer appointed by an Executive Officer to assist with different responsibilities. They report to the officer who appointed them, and are responsible to complete their assigned tasks. These offices require no seniority in the chapter, nor are there any restrictions on seniors.
Advisory Committee
A committee composed of the Chapter's Faculty Advisors, the Chapter President and the Scouting Advisors. The Advisory Committee meets on a monthly basis. Some of their purposes are to provide continuity and tradition for the chapter over the years. They also offer suggestions on the chapter's activities. They help insure the chapter maintains a balanced program. They also help the chapter cut through some of the University's red tape.
Alumni Association
An organization consisting of alumni of Alpha Phi Omega, either on a chapter or regional basis. The purpose is to provide service opportunities for alumni, and to support the program of the local chapters.
An electronic mail system which is used informally by Brothers, pledges and non-members to communicate the concerns of the Fraternity with chapters and interested parties. The E-Mail address to get on the network is Once you subscribe, more detailed information will be sent to you.
Associate Brother
A Brother who pays his dues, but has not attended the required number of meetings to be considered active. Their presence does not count towards quorum, and they are not entitled to vote at meetings where quorum prevails, although they are granted speaking privileges.
Chapter Bylaws
The set of standard rules the Chapter follows for how things get done. The current set of bylaws, with several sets of revisions, have governed this chapter since at least the Spring 1965 Semester -over half of this chapter's existence.
A local semi-annual gathering of the chapters in the Section (see section). Most places in the country call Sectional Conclaves Sectional Conferences. Like National Conventions, bids are required to secure a host for the following conclave. We have hosted Section 95 conclaves in the Spring 1967, Spring 1970 (April 18), 1971, Spring 1979, Spring 1986 (March 1), Fall 1988 (November 12), Fall 1992 (October 30), Fall 1995 (November 10-12: Sections 94/96), and Fall 1998 (October 30-November 1: Sections 94/96).
Executive Committee
A committee consisting of the Chapter President, the Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, the Recording Secretary, and as ex officio members, all past Presidents and the Chair of the Advisory Committee. Their purpose is to filter and direct the program of this chapter.
Executive Officer
An officer of the chapter elected to serve a term of two semesters. Executive Officers must be a Brother for at least a semester, and have one semester left. Executive Officers are those which make decisions about chapter program and finance, and defer some authority to Administrative Officers to carry the programs out.
Honorary Brother
An honor bestowed by the chapter to a worthy individual, either a Scout, an educator, or a prominent local citizen. Honorary Brothers do not receive voting privileges, and may only be given by unanimous vote of the Brotherhood. Undergraduates are not entitled to honorary membership in our Fraternity.
Inactive Brother
A Brother who has not paid his dues or attended a meeting. Inactive Brothers are not entitled to vote, and can only become active after paying their dues and following the procedures to become an Associate Brother, and finally an Active Brother.
The ceremony all neophytes go through in order to become active brothers. The Ceremony is uniform across the country, although chapters are given some options within the ceremony. All pledges go through this ceremony at the end of their pledge period.
Las Vegas Night
Commonly known as Vegas Night. A traditional chapter service project. Begun in 1960 as an annual event, the chapter has used this project to raise thousands of dollars for various charities during the fall semester. All Brothers are required to run this event, and alumni are even encouraged to return to participate in this event. In 1984 or 1985, the chapter started a tradition of having the money go to a local charity, where the money could do more for the organization, rather than a large national charity.
Man-Mile Award
An award presented at most Alpha Phi Omega functions given to the Chapter that travels the most man-miles to get to the event. The total number of miles is calculated by multiplying the number of Brothers by the distance they traveled. For some events, there is also a Pledge mile award.
National Convention
A biennial event of the National Fraternity held in different regions of the country, rotating regions on an eight year cycle. Each chapter in good standing is entitled to send two voting delegates. The National Convention is the Supreme Authority of the Fraternity, and changes to the Fraternity's structure and operation can only occur with the vote of the Convention, primarily undergraduates.
Pledges become Neophytes for the period between the time the chapter elects them to full membership, and the initiation into full membership. At this point, the soon to be inducted Brothers are neither Pledges nor Brothers, but Neophytes. Neophyte is a membership status, not a time period.
Short for Newly Inducted Brother with Little Experience. NIBLEs are permitted to hold Administrative Offices, but not Executive Offices.
Short for Operation Identification. A service project the chapter started in the early 1980s. This project is done in conjunction with the Department of Public Safety. Brothers go through dormitories and engrave people's valuables with an electric pencil. The engraved items are then recorded, making theft less likely, and recovery and identification much easier.
Petitioning Group
A group of people interested in starting an Alpha Phi Omega at a campus where there is not currently a chapter. People in Petitioning Groups go through an experience similar to pledging although the process is slightly different since these people are working to obtain a permanent charter for the chapter located on that campus.
One of the most important people in the Fraternity. Pledges are vital to the Chapter, since they will become the future Brothers and officers. Pledges are to be treated with respect, just like Brothers. Pledges are not non-members, but Brothers in training. Pledges cannot be rejected by the chapter for personal reasons; only for non-completion of the requirements for full understanding of full membership.
Pledge Paddle
An item made by both Pledges and Big Brothers to be exchanged after the Pledge becomes a Brother. Most paddles are of traditional shapes and styles, although some Brothers and Pledges have opted for more untraditional paddles like pillows, coat racks, pelicans cut-outs, rabbits, etc.
Pledge Pin
An item worn by Pledges similar to a Brother's Service Pin. Pledges are required to wear this Pin during their entire pledge period.
Pledge Raids
Because there is no way for Brothers to certify that Pledges always wear their Pledge Pin, Brothers may make occasional visits to Pledges at unspecified times and dates to check Pledges for their Pledge Pin. This is an informal event, and may result in a fellowship activity at the conclusion of a raid.
Roll Call
At the beginning of every Alpha Phi Omega event, attendance of chapters present is taken. Each chapter performs a roll call, usually a parody of a TV theme song, etc. about the chapter and whatever the chapter wants to say. Some chapters have gone creative and used signing as their roll call.
A period where the chapter actively seeks potential Pledges. Usually held at the beginning of each semester, rush is an activity for the entire chapter. During rush, the chapter holds open meetings, events and service projects, and invites the entire campus to participate and join with our program.
Student Committee to Reappraise our Educators Weltanschauung. A project started in the 1970s where students vote with pennies on the educator who meets the criteria of the award title.
A grouping of Alpha Phi Omega chapters based on geography. We are in Section 96 in Region I. Formerly, we were in Section 95 which was comprised of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Section 95 split into Sections 94 and 96. Although Section 95 has split, Sections 94 and 96 continue to hold joint Conclaves.
Sectional Representative
An advisor appointed by the Sectional Chairman to oversee and assist the chapter with its program.
Sectional Chairman
A Brother, usually an alumni, elected at the Sectional Conclave in the Spring to oversee the section and its chapters for the coming year.
Service Hotline
A publication of the Fraternity's National Service Committee. The Service Hotline reports projects done by chapters around the nation.
Short for Ugly Man on Campus. The National Fraternity's Traditional Project. Kappa Omicron began the project in 1954, and actively continued the project through the 1960s. Unfortunately, due to the sensitive nature of this campus, the project was discontinued. In its place, the Chapter began voting for "royalty" at the Annual Las Vegas Night, using money as votes. In the mid-1980s, this tradition was discontinued.


Kappa Omicron
Tune: Auld Lane Sine
by Julie Casey

I now rededicate myself
to this Fraternity
Leadership, Service, and Friendship
you can trust in me.

We know where we are coming from
though we're not sure where we'll go
but while we're here, we'll be the best
of brothers in APO.

Our paths may cross just once
or they may cross again
But if in time they never cross
We'll be forever friends.

So, on my honor, I will try
to be loyal, to be strong
I know that you'll be proud of me
Kappa Omicron.

Tune: "Auld Lang Syne"
by Robert Burns

Let's raise our voices in a song
And sing our praise to thee;
For leadership and service, too
We'll toast you loyally.
To nobler cause we'll bind our lives
We'll serve in friendship's name
To bring to Alpha Phi Omega
everlasting fame.

Tune: "Vive La Compagnie"

Let every good fellow now join
A. P. O. Success to each other and pass
it along,V ive la A. P. O.

Chorus: Vive la, vive la, vive l'amour!
Vive la, vive la, vive l'amour!
Vive la A. P. O.
A friend on your left and a friend on your right,
Vive la A. P. O. In love a
unite, Vive la A. P. O.


Now wider and wider our circle expands,
Vive la A. P. O. We sing to our comr
Vive ls A. P. O.


The building of men is an honor we claim,
Vive la A. P. O. Let's carry on se name, Vive la A. P. O.


Tune: "Song of the Vagabond"

Alpha Phi Omega, We are always eager to do our best;
Mind and body steady, With a heart
that's ready-And by sacr
Onward, upward, Through the years ahead,
By your spirit ever we'll be led.
H In the pledge so splended-We'll be loyal unto you, YEA!

Tune: "The Barrel Polka"
By David S. Mosesson

What makes a barrel? A lot of stuff
What binds a barrel?
Hoops, and the job is will done.
In friendship's tether
All of us are bound together
By good old A. P. O.

Tune: "Jingle Bells"
by J. Pierpont

Brothers, gather round.
On the other we are bound-
By one loyalty. For in every heart,
Warmed by friendship' set apart-
For old A. P. O.

Chorus: A. P. O., A. P. O. Stands for loyalty-
Be a friend, a hand extend-To ideals,
each one feels,
Ever wider, grow; This refrain, sing
again-"Long live S. Mosesson".

Tune: "Taps"

Hail to thee, A. P. O.
We will spread-Thy fair land-
True to you-Forever more-
Blue and Gold.

When Twilight Shadows Deepen
UMass Alma Mater

When Twilight shadows deepen,
And the study hour draws nigh,
When shades of night are falling,
And the evening breezes sigh,
'Tis then we love to gather,
'Neath the pale moon's silv'ry spell,
And lift our hearts and voices
In the songs we love so well.

Sons of old Massachusetts
Devoted sons and true;
Bay State, my Bay State,
We'll give our best to you.
Thee, our Alma Mater,
We'll cherish for all time;
Should our acquaintance be forgot,
Massachusetts.-- yours and mine.

Pledge Class Honorees

The idea of the Fall Pledge Class dedication began very quietly. It started on the back page of the October 1946 Torch & Trefoil. The announcement was made to all Chapter Presidents that a special dedication of the Fall 1946 Pledge Class was to be in honor of our National President, Dr. H. Roe Bartle. Each chapter was asked to accept a quota as its share in accumulating a class of 1,000 members. It was to be the chapter's opportunity to say thanks for the services rendered to the National President.

Throughout the years, every fall there has been a Pledge Class dedication. Most often it was to a Brother who had a great affect on the Fraternity, but once in a while it was to someone outside the Fraternity, or even the Founder's Class, but each time the Fall Pledge Class dedication was announced, everyone knew that it would be long remembered in the annals of our history.

Spring Pledge Class dedications have been made infrequently by Kappa Omicron for individuals the chapter felt worthy of the honor. They are listed below the fall honoree for that year. On some occasions, the chapter also made a fall pledge class dedication, in addition to the national dedication These are listed below the Chapter's spring dedication. All dedications listed below are by calendar years, not academic years.

Chapter Recognitions

Tuttle Mug

As a service Fraternity we are constantly looking for new ways of bringing service to the chapter, campus, community, and nation. Kappa Omicron Chapter realizes that initiating a new project is often difficult and is worthy of merit. The Tuttle Mug was initiated with the idea that this initiative, work, and time would not go unrewarded.

The Arlen Cup

This silver Paul Revere bowl is annually given to the Brother in Kappa Omicron Chapter who, in the eyes of the Brotherhood, epitomizes the principles or leadership, friendship, and service.

The award was originated in memory of David B. Arlen who was killed in an automobile accident on the way to the 1966 Alpha Phi Omega National Convention in Minneapolis, MN. Dave was a "true Brother" who always gave his all for the Fraternity, including his life. Therefore, this coveted award has been dedicated to his memory.

When this award was first began, there was one large silver bowl with five cups. The award was initially intended to last only five years, with each of the five recipients being presented with one of these cups. After five years, the chapter decided to keep the award on a permanent basis. In 1983, the chapter lost the original Arlen Cup and replaced it with the current Arlen Cup.

The award was started in the Spring of 1967 and has been awarded to the following Brothers since then:

The Joseph Gama Memorial Plate

By Julie E. Casey

The uncle of whom I speak of died on August 1, 1991. He had been dying for six years. He suffered a stroke in the summer of 1985 that paralyzed his right side and required his hospitalization.

I'd like to say that my uncle died of a stroke, but that wouldn't be entirely true. That's what the doctors will tell you, but the doctors never looked inside the man.

My uncle died of loneliness, of being shuffled, for six years, from hospital to hospital and nursing home to nursing home, many times to institutions miles away from our close knit family and from his home.

My uncle died of bruised pride. Initially, his pride was hurt by the inability to support his family. Finally, his pride was shattered by his inability to dress himself, to bathe himself, and ultimately to feed himself.

My uncle died of a broken heart. Broken by not being able to carve the Thanksgiving turkey, by not being able to teach his grandchildren to fish, by not being able to take his wife dancing at the Portuguese Feast, by not being able to watch his sons become fathers. Love Life and Live in Love. He believed in every word, and to fulfill that desire, he was surrounded by a family whom he loved, and who loved him. The stroke tore him away from his family, and not being with his family broke his heart.

I am giving Alpha Phi Omega a silver plate, the Joseph Gama Memorial Plate. Joe was not your uncle, but you are my Brothers, and he would have loved you for that. I would like the Joseph Gama Memorial Plate to be awarded semesterly to the Brother, or Brothers who, through their involvement with Alpha Phi Omega or through individual commitment, have made an effort to preserve the family, by helping cope with problems that society so often can't help with. Helping families:

I want my uncle to be remembered. I'd like you, my Brothers to help me keep his spirit alive.

Chapter Certificate of Appreciation

This certificate is awarded by the chapter to individuals or organizations deserving special chapter recognition.

Chapter Distinguished Service Key

In 1948, the National Board of Directors authorized this small piece of jewelry. It was announced in the Torch & Trefoil with just a small paragraph that it could be purchased from the National Office. Today, the distinction of having a "key" is reserved to those who have given great effort in service to their chapter.

The award, a black key, is presented to persons who have distinguished themselves through outstanding service to their chapter. Selection is made by a special chapter commit tee. The criteria for this award:

Distinguished service on a chapter level, that is, making an outstanding and unique contribution to the chapter as a whole.

Exemplifying and furthering, in demonstrable ways, the principles of leadership, friendship, and service.

Making a sustained contribution in a leadership role over a period of time.

The Distinguished Service Lock

The Distinguished Service Lock, or DSL, was created by the Nominations Committee of Fall 1993, and was given to Karen Pudelko in appreciation of her three years of dedication and service to the chapter, and the fraternity.

The DSL was given out for the second time on May 11, 2000 to Sally Stairs (Nobrega) for her continued efforts and devotion to the fraternity.

Chris E. Pettersson Pledge Award

The Chris E. Pettersson Pledge Award was established in memory of one of our pledges who died in a car accident on January 29, 1978. This award replaced the Best Pledge Award. Recipients prior to 1977-78 are recipients of the Best Pledge Award.

Outstanding Brother Award

Since the pledge period can often be a trying experience for the pledges, it is appreciated when a brother exemplifies the ideals of Alpha Phi Omega in ways that directly support the Pledge Class. Each semester, the Pledge Class may choose to express its gratitude by presenting the Outstanding Brother Award to the brother who best demonstrates the principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service. The award is selected by the entire Pledge Class and is presented to the recipient at the Chapter Banquet. Any brother in the chapter with the exception of the Pledge Trainer and his assistants is eligible.

The George "Butch" Lacroix Jr. Award

In the Spring of 1999, the pledge class felt that one brother had gone above and beyond the call of duty in his efforts toward the pledge class. The Craig Donais Pledge class felt that this brother, Butch, had been an outstanding brother and an outstanding big. Rather than give him both awards, they created this new award in honor of him. The qualifications include:

National Distinguished Chapter ‘Top 13’ Citation

The National Fraternity used to keep track of every chapter in the country, and ranked then based on membership, service program, and administration. This recognition existed for schools in four different size groupings, so every year 52 chapters were recognized. Sometime in the 1970s, this recognition was disccontinued.

Gavel Breaker Award

This award is presented by the chapter president to the brother who is most responsible for the physical decay of the chair’s gavel at chapter meetings. This recognition is generally not one that Brothers actively seek, nor is it intended to be insulting to the recipient. This award was created in Fall 1991 as the chapter began a new tradition of presenting the Chapter President with his own personal gavel. The award itself is the Kappa Omicron Gavel which was retired when this tradition was initiated.

EX-LAX Award

This award is presented by the chapter to the Brother who performs the "smoothest movement" affecting the chapter as a whole in the course of the semester.

Lifetime EX-LAX Award

In the Spring of 1999, the nominations committee created the "Lifetime EX-LAX Award" for Joe Santoro. This award was given to Joe for his continual Smooth movements affecting the chapter through his entire time with the chapter. (Joe also received the DSK in the same semester)

Section & Region Recognitions

Sectional Certificate of Appreciation

Awarded, usually by the Sectional Chair, to persons or chapters deserving special sectional recognition.

Section Distinguished Service Key

A green key awarded to persons who have distinguished themselves through outstanding service to their section. Selection is made by an established or special sectional committee. The criteria are the same for the Chapter Key, except on a sectional level.

Sectional Chairman Certificate of Recognition

Awarded to Sectional Chairmen on their fifth and multiples of fifth anniversary.

Regional Certificate of Appreciation

Awarded, usually by the Region Director, to persons or chapters deserving special regional recognition.

Region Distinguished Service Key

A red key awarded to persons who have distinguished themselves through outstanding service to their region. Selection is made by an established or special regional committee. The criteria are the same for the Chapter Key, except on a regional level.

National Recognitions

National Distinguished Service Award

A blue key with diamonds and certificate are awarded at National Conventions (and on rare occasions at other functions) to those who have distinguished themselves though outstanding service to the National Fraternity. Selection is made by a committee composed of past recipients as appointed by the National President. The criteria are the same for the Chapter Key, except on a National level.

National Certificate of Appreciation

Awarded by the National Board of Directors on behalf of the National Fraternity to individuals, chapters or organizations who have made a significant contribution to the advancement of Alpha Phi Omega.

Fall Pledge Class Dedication

Annually, the Fall Pledge Class is named for a distinguished citizen, Alpha Phi Omega alumni or volunteer, or chapter advisor. Selection is made by a Special National Committee from nominations submitted by Chapter Presidents, Sectional Chairs and the National Board.

Maude Walker Young Award

A national certificate awarded for exceptional service rendered to an Alpha Phi Omega chapter or chapters by a non-brother spouse of an Alpha Phi Omega brother. The award is presented biennially on a Regional basis in a manner determined by each Region. The criteria for this award shall be exceptional service rendered to a chapter or chapters that:

* Is performed by a person who never seeks recognition or reward for assistance;

* Contributes to the success of the service program;

* Promotes friendship in the chapter(s); and

Encourages greater success and achievement by the chapter(s).

M.R. Disborough Scouting Service Award

Awarded to recognize those chapters with exceptional service to the Boy Scouts of America as an integral part of their overall service program.

Kappa Omicron received this award at the 1994 National Convention in Dallas/Fort Worth Texas.

The National Scouting Relations Committee will consider the number of youth served by the chapter's program or project.

The National Scouting Relations Committee will consider the number of active members of the chapter involved with the program or project.

Dean Arno Nowotny Service Award

A plaque presented at National Conventions to the chapter judges to have the best overall service program. Selection for the award is made by the Service Committee in session at the National Convention based on the two year time period between conventions.

Kappa Omicron received this award at the 1994 National Convention in Dallas/Fort Worth Texas.

The criteria for this award:

The chapter receiving the award has conducted at least one project in each of the four areas of service:

The chapter has participated in National Service Day and has reported their projects to the National Office.

The chapter receiving the award has conducted at least one project related to the National Program of Emphasis.

The chapter receiving the award submit at least one Project Sharing Form to the National Service Project Exchange at the National Convention.

The percentage of active participation in the chapter's service program is considered in the selection.

Josiah Frank Historian's Award

A plaque featuring the first Fraternity pin awarded at National Conventions to the chapter compiling and maintaining the best chapter history which records and perpetuates the principles and traditions of Alpha Phi Omega. Selection is made by the Awards Committee from among chapters submitting materials for consideration. Applications must be received by the Convention Registration Committee prior to the opening session of the National Convention.

Joe Scanlon National Certificate of Merit

Awarded by the National Membership and Extension Chairman to chapters having a +ten percent increase in membership as measured by annual active membership dues.

Kappa Omicron has earned the Joe Scanlon National Certificate in:

* 1988-1989

* 1990-1991

* 1996-1997

National Certificate of Recognition

Awarded to all chapters on their fifth and multiples of their fifth anniversary.

H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award

A certificate awarded to chapters which achieve and maintain high standards of effectiveness in all aspects of their program and operations. Selection is determined by the members of the chapter base d on the Annual Charter Review. Criteria are published in an annual report form to be submitted to the National Office. The form is distributed as a part of the Annual Charter Review process at the start of the academic year and the evaluation covers the chapter program and operations for the previous academic year. The award was created in 1975, and was designed for chapters to determine whether they maintain high standards, as H. Roe Bartle requested. Kappa Omicron has earned the H. Roe Bartle Award in: 1989-90. Kappa Omicron received it most recently at the national convention in 2002.

Alumni Recognitions

National Distinguished Alumnus Key

A yellow key presented to alumni, honorary or advisor members who best exemplify the principles of leadership, friendship and service. Selection is made by the National Alumni Committee.

  1. Candidates for the award shall be advisory, honorary, or alumni members of Alpha Phi Omega (active brothers are not eligible for this award).
  2. Candidates for the award should exemplify outstanding characteristics in the area of service to others. Outstanding service may be exhibited through, or to, a brother's community, business, or educational affiliation and is not limited to Alpha Phi Omega activities.
  3. Candidates do not have to be involved in alumni activities of the Fraternity.
  4. Nominations for the award can be made from recognized alumni associations, active brothers, advisory or alumni members.

Regional Alumni Certificate of Appreciation

A certificate presented to an individual alumnus for outstanding service on a regional or sectional level within or outside the Fraternity. This certificate is awarded by a Regional Alumni Council.

Regional Distinguished Alumnus Citation

A plaque presented to alumni, honorary, or advisory members in their respective regions who best exemplify the principles of leadership, friendship, and service. Selection is made by the respective Regional Alumni Council. The criteria are the same as for the National Distinguished Alumnus Key.

Alumni Chapter Certificate of Appreciation

A certificate presented to an individual alumnus for outstanding service on a local level within or outside the Fraternity. This certificate is awarded by a recognized geographical or chapter alumni association.

Local Organization Distinguished Alumni Citation

A plaque presented to alumni, honorary, or advisory members in a local organization who best exemplify the principles of leadership, friendship, and service. Selection is made by a recognized local alumni association. The criteria are the same as the first three criteria for the National Distinguished Alumnus Key.

University History

The University of Massachusetts at Amherst was started in 1863 by a group of Amherst citizens and others, who, taking advantage of the land grant college act, the Morrill Land Grant Act, petitioned for the forming of an institution here. These citizen s of Amherst, including a number of professors at Amherst College raised $50,000, which at the time was a quite sizable sum. With part of this money, they purchased four farms. This campus was farming land in the early days and continued to be operated as a farm for a long time. Other cities which offered bids for the new university included Chicopee, Lexington, Northampton, and Springfield.

This institution was first developed as an agricultural college, and was originally known as Massachusetts Agricultural College. The Morrill Act of 1862 gave away lands in the Western United States being opened up to finance institutions for education in the "agricultural and mechanical arts." At that time, the mechanical part of that was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and so MIT technically is a land grant college. For a long period of time, into the 1950s, this university was a respected leader in the agricultural sciences.

However, as the economy of Massachusetts and the United States changed, the University changed along with it. In 1932, Massachusetts Agricultural College ('Mass Aggie') was changed to Massachusetts State College. After World War II, with the GI Bill o f Rights, which enabled men and women to go to colleges under subsidies from the Federal Government, there was a necessity to modify the educational system in the Commonwealth. In 1947, Massachusetts State College became the University of Massachusetts. T o take care of the big bulge of students at that time, a branch of the University was established at Fort Devens. Later, this branch was dissolved, and the students moved onto this campus.

Enrollment at this University has changed quite dramatically. After an initial period of relatively small numbers of students (the first graduating class actually didn't graduate until 1871), there was a static period where the student body was maintained at a level of 200 to 300 students in each class. In the 1930s, growth of the student body began.

After World War II, the population spiked again. By 1959, there were approximately 6000 students on this campus - 4850 undergraduates, 750 grad students, and 400 in the Stockbridge School of Agriculture. Again, during the 1970s, the University saw a major growth in student population, approaching the 20,000 student level.

Troop 11, B.S.A.

Troop 11 is a unit primarily for the mentally retarded and physically handicapped of Hampshire and Franklin Counties. It is an extremely active Troop, camping twelve months of the year, from Maine to Delaware, and usually spending 40 - 45 days and nights camping each year. Unit members along with members of their sister Troop 111 spend several weekends each year training Western Massachusetts Girl Scouts and their leaders in camping skills, outdoor gourmet cooking and handicapped awareness. Scouts are also active in all Great Trails Council events and have sponsored Handicapped Awareness camporees for Great Trails, Indian Trails, and Pioneer Valley Councils.

Troop 11 resulted from a Kappa Omicron service project in 1974 when a Scout Show was sponsored by Kappa Omicron at the Cage. Frank Evans was asked by the Belchertown State School Troop if Alpha Phi Omega would assist them in locating a new Scoutmaster. When Frank brought the subject up at a Chapter meeting, he was promptly elected Scoutmaster. Troop 509 of the Belchertown State School grew rapidly and soon, working with the Troop could offer one to seven credits through Five College Education and Psychology programs. In late 1976, residents were reevaluated and within a two week period the Troop was reduced from 22 to two members as those residents with enough skills were moved to community programs. Soon, the membership was zero and Frank formed Troop 11 as a community based Troop. While the Troop began meeting in early 1977, it was not fully registered until June of 1977.

Scoutmaster Evans is a Life Member of Alpha Phi Omega, a former Chapter President, and current advisor of Kappa Omicron. He has earned the District Award of Merit, the Silver Beaver and the Wood's School Award (the highest National award for Special Needs Scouting) for his work with Troop 11. He is a member of the Order of the Arrow and has completed Woodbadge.

Troop 11 is sponsored by the Saint John's Episcopal Church of Northampton and holds their regular meetings every Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in the church basement.

Troop 111, G.S.U.S.A.

In the early 1980's mothers of special needs girls began asking Frank if there were any programs like Troop 11 available for their daughters. Finally, in 1984, with the assistance of Western Massachusetts Girl Scouts, the Northampton High School Special Education Department and others, Frank chartered Troop 111 for the special needs girls of Hampshire County (since expanded to include Franklin County).

Troop 111 has become as active as Troop 11 and can usually be found camping with Troop 11. Members are active in training the girls and leaders of Western Massachusetts, and assisted Troop 11 in putting on the Great Trails Council Handicapped Awareness Fall Camporee in 1990. Along with their brother Troop 11, members have successfully integrated all the Special Needs Camporees in our region. Special Needs Girl Scouts are now welcome and routinely invited to Boy Scout Camporees in Pine Tree, Narragansett, Suffolk County and Greater Philadelphia Councils.

Troop 111 is sponsored by the Saint John's Episcopal Church of Northampton and holds their regular meetings every Monday from 7:00 - 8:00 PM in the church basement.

Chapter Fraternity Fees

For any Brothers or Pledges wondering what sort of financial commitment they'll need to be in Alpha Phi Omega, here's the entire breakdown of mandatory fees required of all Brothers.

Pledge Fees - $50.00, for all paperwork and fees payable to the National Office.

AAMD's - These are our Annual Active Membership Dues to the National Fraternity. They are $15.00 per year per active member, and are due prior to November 15. If you don't pay these, you automatically become inactive.

Chapter Dues - Payable at the beginning of each semester. The amount is voted upon by the Brothers at the second meeting of the current semester, generally in the fourty dollar range. Dues are used to finance or subsidize many of the chapter's activities. Dues go to, or could go to:

(1) Production of the Chapter Handbook
(2) Posters announcing events
(3) Awards & Recognitions
(4) Telephone expenses
(5) Historian supplies (Photos, Scrapbooks, etc.)
(6) Alumni funds
(7) Purchase of National Supplies
(8) Rush
(9) Printing/Photocopies
(10) Fellowship Weekend
(11) Chapter Banquet
(12) Chinese food night
(13) Reduced fees on some chapter events (cover overhead)
(14) Postage and mailings
(15) AAMDs (as outlined above)
(16) Ritual equipment
(17) Basic office supplies
(18) Athletic fees
(19) Transportation to events (Vehicle Fuel / Vehicles)

Finance Policy

In order to keep better control on the chapter's money, we will be instituting a finance policy which will apply to everyone, for all financial dealings between Brothers, the chapter, and the University. We realize that some Brothers may dislike these policies, but after careful deliberation, the Executive Board has decided to exercise stricter controls for the benefit of the entire Brotherhood.

Reimbursement - There shall be no reimbursement for any Brothers who purchase items for the chapter without the approval of the Executive Board (or Treasurer and President in the absence of a convened E-Board).

Deadlines - Deadlines for major chapter event payments and other chapter financial transactions requiring the collection of funds from individuals will be posted on the calendar distributed to each Brother. These deadlines are exactly that: dead lines. If you miss t he "line" drawn to get your money in, you are "dead" - i.e. you can't go.

Refunds - If you are unable to attend an event, refunds may be possible if prior notice is given to the Treasurer. In general, a minimum notice of at least 72 hours is required to receive a reimbursement. If moneys are already expended on your behalf, you may receive a partial refund. The Chapter cannot and will not guarantee refunds, either partial or full, from Sectional, Regional, or National Events.

Photocopies - Only the Executive Board and others designated by the Executive Committee will have the authority to make photocopies at Campus Design and Copy (CD&C) This change is for several reasons. First, anybody can currently make copies, even if they are not from this chapter. Second, we do not want or need extra copies of posters unknowingly made. Third, the chapter frequently relies on a certain amount on the Purchase Order for posters and notices. A log will be maintained to keep track of the number of cop ies required by each officer for each event for future planning purposes.

Purchase Orders - Only the President and the Treasurer are permitted to make financial commitments for the chapter. The Purchase Order Card can be secured from the Treasurer for valid pre-approved chapter expenses.

Telephones - The Executive Officers will be given TMS codes to use the University's long distance phone services. If you need to make a VALID Alpha Phi Omega call, see the appropriate Executive Officer, and they will dial the phone for you. In addition, we will be keeping a phone log to keep records of our calls, since the University has stated that other calls may appear on the bill.

Payments - The preferred method of payment is check. Make them payable to Alpha Phi Omega. All money is to be given to the Treasurer. In the event that the Treasurer is not available, money should be given to the Administrative Vice-President. Checks should be marked in the memo area stating what event or fee the check is covering. If a payment is made in cash, the payment should be handed directly to the Treasurer.

Receipts - The Treasurer will issue receipts to Brothers for all fees, dues, event registrations, merchandise, or other financial transactions involving Brothers and the chapter.

Merchandise - All orders for merchandise from the National Fraternity must be directed through either the President or the Treasurer. The chapter may, on occasion, keep a small store of merchandise from the National Fraternity. For these purchases, the Treasurer may accept cash as a suitable form of payment.

Expending Chapter Funds - All expenses will be passed through the Treasurer (and Finance Committee) in consultation with the President, who will decide if the amount is substantial enough to require a vote by the Brotherhood. Under no circumstances should a Brother expend money o n behalf of the chapter and expect a reimbursement from the chapter treasury without prior approval of the Treasurer.

Surcharges - All inactive Brothers who desire to attend a chapter event may be required to pay a surcharge to participate. Brothers who pay active dues enjoy the benefits of active membership. Inactive Brothers who wish to enjoy these benefits must also pay, but the fee is spread over each of the events. Generally, a surcharge shall be no less than $2 per general event, and no less than $3 for a banquet or other major event.

Budget - There shall be a budget established each semester which covers all aspects of chapter operations for that semester. The Treasurer will work with the various Officers who will require funds during the semester.

Service Policy

Brothers are encouraged to search out new service projects for the chapter, We are always looking for new and creative projects, and can only do so if Brothers are watching for new service opportunities.

Service Obligations

Alpha Phi Omega is a National Service Fraternity. Attending meetings is not enough. As a Brother, you have pledged yourselves to the ideals of leadership, friendship and service. Participation in a healthy portion (not all - we don't expect anyone to be superman) of the Service projects is mandatory.

Committing the Chapter

It is not permitted that any Brother commit the chapter for service in any service project without the consent of the Service-Vice President. The only method of officially gaining approval is at a Brotherhood meeting; and, all projects must be brought to the attention of the SVP prior to the meeting you wish to bring up the proposed project as to sure it will be discussed. If you do commit KO, you may find yourself committed to a project, but Brothers unable to serve because of another chapter activity.

Communications with Project Sponsors

If you are not a Project Coordinator for a project, it is requested that you refrain from dealing with the other organization's contact person in relation to the project. Very often, we find that brothers are given information, but that information is no t passed to the Project Coordinator. If you are not "in the loop" on a particular project, do not attempt to "break into the loop" because it will do more harm than good. If you are responsible for a project, it is your responsibility to maintain contact with the individual from the other organization.

Record Keeping

As we plan to apply for the Dean Arno Nowotny Service Award, it will be necessary to keep accurate records of all service hours of individuals. Brothers will be expected to cooperate with these efforts

Sign-up Sheets.

Sign-up Sheets will be available for ALL Chapter Sponsored Service Projects. When you sign your name to a particular time and event, this is a commitment. When you commit yourself to an event, check your academic and personal commitments first. If you commit, please mark it in your calendar so you don't forget. There are times when you might be unable to fulfill a specific commitment. But, please be considerate of your other Brothers who have made commitments themselves. If you miss a project you signed up for, a good excuse will be expected. Please notify the Service Vice-President or Project Coordinator ASAP, preferably at least 48 hours before the event. Sign-up sheets will be saved to evaluate brotherhood participation in an event and to assist in keeping accurate records of service hours completed by the Brothers.

National Service Week

The first week of November is designated as Nation Service Week. Each chapter conducts service projects during that week related to the Service Week Emphasis developed by the National Service Committee. A written report of the project is due to the National Office by December 1.

Brother Pledges

At the beginning of each semester, at the discretion of the Service Vice-President, Brothers may be required to make a personal pledge for a specific number of service hours. Throughout the semester, the Brother should make an honest effort to comply with their "Brother Pledge". It is highly recommended that Brothers complete at least as many service hours as required by the Pledge Class.

Standard Forms

There are several standard forms to be completed for each service project:

  1. Service Project Sign-up Sheet - to be completed by the Project Coordinator and the Brothers who are interested in participating. The Project Coordinator is responsible for returning this to the Service Vice- President after completion of the service project.
  2. Service Project Report - to be completed by the Project Coordinator and returned to the SVP in a timely fashion. The SVP is responsible for filing this report accordingly for future reference.
  3. Semesterly Brotherhood Evaluation of Service (aka: personal hours) - this should be completed by each Brother and returned to the Service Vice- President. The SVP will then total up the evaluations in a final report form and file it appropriately.
  4. Brotherhood Participation Form (AKA Who did What and for how long?) -This form will be completed by the Project Coordinator. On the form will be a log of Brothers participating, their service hours and functions performed. This form will be given to the SVP.

There are also optional Standard forms:

Participant Evaluation of a Service Project - this should be filled out by the participant (i.e. Boy Scout or Girl Scout) or by the recipient of a service project when appropriate. These will be returned to the appropriate Service Chair, who will complete a final report and file in the catalogue in the same manner as the Brotherhood Evaluation of A Service Project Forms.

These are the basic guidelines for the organization and participation of Kappa Omicron service projects. It is necessary for all Brothers to follow these guidelines; if they are not followed, confusion and misinformation may occur resulting in a lot of pissed off people.

New Service Projects

The procedure for starting new service projects is simple. The person or organization requesting service must approach the Service Vice-President. When the Service Vice-President receives the request, he will place the project on the agenda for discussion at the next Service Committee meeting. The Service Committee will decide whether the project is feasible with regard to the semester's service program. All new ideas for service projects must be presented to and approved as feasible by the Service Committee, before being discussed on the floor of a Brotherhood meeting. If the project is considered feasible, and can occur (in action or in planning) in the present semester, it will be brought to the Brotherhood's attention for consideration. If the project is considered feasible, but cannot occur until a later semester, it will be added to a list of possible projects for next semester and brought to the Brotherhood's attention at the next semester planning meeting. If the project is considered unfeasible at the present time, it will be recorded for possible future. implementation.

Present Service Projects

The service projects of Kappa Omicron are designed and planned by the Brothers of Kappa Omicron with assistance from the Service Chairs and Service Vice President. Each Kappa Omicron service project will require a Project Coordinator. The Project Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating the project in consultation with the appropriate Service Chair. The Project Coordinator will also be responsible for filling out a project report sheet and a Brother involvement sheet within one week of the project's completion. The paperwork should be submitted to the appropriate Service Chair. If a Project Coordinator cannot be found for a project, the Service Committee will drop the project.

Traditional Projects

Service Committee

The Service Committee is responsible for aiding the development and execution of service projects within the Fraternity. It consists of the Service Vice-President (chair), Service Committee Members as appointed, Chapter President, and Administrative Vice - President as standing members, subject to chapter Bylaws. People will be appointed to the service Committee as deemed necessary by the SVP for maximum efficiency. Although there are six areas of service in KO (campus, Community, Fraternity, Girl Scout Coordinator, Boy Scout Coordinator, and Academics) service committee members will be assigned to aid the SVP through specific projects, not through specific categories. Assignments will be made in the manner the SVP and the Service Committee believe will facilitate the coordination of the service projects for the brotherhood.

How to chair a Service Project

Step 1. Sign your name under a heading on the chair sign-up sheet. Co-chairs are fine, in fact, for those projects indicated as extensive, more than two people are needed.

Step 2. Meet with the SVP and service committee member in charge of organizing the area of service your project is classified as. (Community, Campus, Fraternity, Scouting, Academics) Ideally, this can be done at a SERVICE COMMITTEE MEETING. At this meeting you will discuss:

This meeting is not the end of help from the committee; we will be willing to assist you in any way possible, however the majority of organizational work will be done by the chair.

Remember, a project is mostly organizing two parties: the brotherhood and the group we are assisting. The ultimate goal is to get out there and do some service and have fun!

Step 3. Make contact with the group we are doing service for.
Most projects need a contact in some form. Contact is most commonly done through phone calls, but face to face meetings are also possible, depending upon who you need to talk to.

Note: more than one discussion may be required depending on who you are talking to.

Step 4. Organizing the Brotherhood (Part I)
Make a brotherhood meeting announcement at least two weeks in advance that a project is happening.
Leave signs announcing the project at least 1 1/2-2 weeks in advance.
Hand out a sign up sheet at a meeting at least one week in advance.

Note: take into consideration that the number of brothers that sign-up will probably be less than the actual number that will show up.

Step 5. Confirm that we are doing a service project with the contacted group a week or so before the actual event is to take place.

Step 6. Equipment
Secure equipment you need to do the project though individual brother donations, lending or purchasing.

Note: you can not purchase anything without getting approval of the Treasurer.

Step 7. Organizing the Brotherhood (part II)
If the event is:
A one time deal:
Always have a central meeting place. (the office is ideal in most cases).
Tell people to come 1/2 - 1 hour before we actually have to leave. This is for APO-time compensation.
A project run in shifts:
Have clear and understood schedules set up and placed in multiple locations. One schedule should be at the worksite, the chair should have one, and one should be posted in the office for brothers.

Step 8. Going to the event
Be sure people have directions.
Be sure the needed equipment arrives before work is to start.
Be there to lead the group. If the chair can not be present, give a total clue to someone who will. ONE total clue per project MINIMUM required at all events.

Step 9. After the event is done, make sure all equipment we borrowed or soiled is cleaned before we go.

Step 10. Write your own evaluation on an evaluation form (in the service drawer under the heading SVP)

Note: I realize that this is one of the least liked parts of chairing, but doing this will make someone else's life easier when they chair the project.

Membership Policy

Pledge Applications and Fees

An application for pledge membership must be filled out and sent to the National Executive Director at the National Office for each Pledge no later than 10 days after the pledge ritual. An accompanying, non-refundable fee of $10.00 per Pledge must also be included with the applications. Pledge membership in Alpha Phi Omega is not official until the forms and fees have been received at the National Office.

Active Applications and Fees

Once a person has completed the chapter's pledge program and has attended the initiation ritual, the application for Active Membership must be sent to the National Executive Director at the National Office for official recognition. A non-refundable fee o f $20.00 per person is also required. Both are sent together and are due no later than 10 days after the initiation ritual. Active Membership in Alpha Phi Omega is never official until the fees and applications are received at the National Office.

Honorary Membership and Advisor Applications
Chapters may bestow Honorary Membership in the Fraternity to persons who have made significant contributions to the ideals and purposes of Alpha Phi Omega. A unanimous vote is required by this chapter (three fourths vote is required by national by-laws). However, an undergraduate cannot be the recipient of such an honor. Like other forms of membership, Honorary Membership is not official until the proper form is filled out and returned to the National Office along with a non-refundable fee of $5.00.
Advisory Membership can also be conferred by a collegiate chapter upon chosen persons approved by the chapter. While an application for Advisory Membership must be sent to the National Office upon approval of the chapter, there is no membership fee. Undergraduates cannot be selected to serve as Advisors.

Membership List

The membership list will be derived from the Brother Record Cards maintained on each Brother. This card should be filled out within one week of the start of the semester. If you fail to fill out this card, you may inadvertently be forgotten or inappropriately placed on the list.
Alumni and inactives will be invited to chapter activities.

Fellowship Policy

Ordering Colors

Orders for colors will go out on or about the end of second full week of each month during the school year, provided there is significant participation. There will be an order sent out before intersession and the summer, which will be distributed at the Fellowship Vice-President's convenience. All orders must be paid in full before your order is submitted.


A different display will appear in the trophy case every two to three weeks. Ideas and materials for new displays should be submitted to the Fellowship Vice-President (preferably in writing) for consideration.


There shall be a semesterly banquet held by the chapter. Firm deadlines will be established early in the semester for payment of banquet fees for Brothers and their guests. A surcharge will be placed on the fee for all non-active Brothers who attend. At the banquet, chapter awards will be presented.

Alcohol at Chapter Events

Official chapter events with alcohol present must be approved by the Brotherhood. Unless otherwise approved, no alcohol will be permitted at an event. All events must comply with University, Fraternity, State and Sponsoring Organization Rules. No alcohol will be at any official chapter event if there are still active pledges in the KO program.


There shall be a semesterly weekend retreat decided by the Brotherhood. Price and location will be announced by the Fellowship VP.

Preparing to Recruit New Brothers

(Reprinted from National Office Publication)

You are the most effective recruiting tool available to our chapter. You should be "selling" Alpha Phi Omega to the students you meet, with the goal of persuading them to pledge. Unless you approach this properly, however, you won't recruit members. There are some simple steps which will improve your ability to recruit new Brothers:


Can you explain four or five projects our chapter is doing right now that others would find interesting and rewarding? What about projects that are being planned for the future? Our Fellowship program? Leadership Development opportunities? No one will want to become part of Alpha Phi Omega unless you can demonstrate that there is an active program to become a part of.


It isn't enough to sell the concept of service - we have to demonstrate our commitment to service. Can you state why you joined Alpha Phi Omega and why you have remained active?


Remember that the concept of service is not new to anyone. Every student is a potential Brother! Don't rule anyone out because of their major or their other time commitments. Students with the toughest course load or who belong to other groups often discipline themselves to do more things than less pressured students. Alpha Phi Omega is an attractive aspect of your college life... they will want to be part of it if you explain it properly.


Select the people you want to ask to join.

Learn something about the person you are going to ask. Appeal to the interests.

Plan your sales pitch. Rehearse it.

Work in pairs. It's easier to get our story across and you are better able to answer questions - and less likely to forget important points. This will also increase your confidence.

ASK THEM TO JOIN. Have a specific meeting or project to invite them to.

Don't be discouraged by a "no" answer. Even an individual who says no will be more informed about Alpha Phi Omega - and will have a favorable impression because he was asked to join. If someone declines, go to your next prospect. Even if one person out of three or four says yes, you are hitting a high percentage.

Remember, each of us should set a goal of recruiting one new Brother each semester. This will insure thatour chapter continues to provide service for years to come.

Thank You, The National Membership & Extension Committee

Chapter Officers

Alumni Council

The Alumni Council shall be an ad hoc committee appointed by the President. Membership on the council is restricted to graduate students who are members of Alpha Phi Omega. The purpose of the Council shall be to advise the Chapter, its officers, and the brothers on situations regarding the Fraternity. The Council is designed for those graduate student Brothers who wish to continue their affiliation with the Fraternity, but not on a weekly basis like undergraduates. Alumni Council members must pay the AAMDs due to the National Fraternity, as well as chapter dues. Alumni council members shall not be required to make a weekly commitment to the chapter, unless they so desire.

Chapter Historian

by Jim Moulton

The first and foremost job of the Historian is to be the biggest busybody in the chapter. He has to know what's going on, where it's happening and who it's happening to. It is important for him to go to as many chapter events as possible and his camera should be like an American Express card... "Never leave home without it." When taking photos, he should try to find important scenes that represent the event, like people having fun at a party or how hard Brothers are (or are not) working at service events. Most importantly, he should take pictures of people making fools of themselves or people who are in a compromising situation. These make the best pictures.

Before taking any of these, the Historian should check up on his life and health insurance, because he will probably receive many threatening remarks. He could tell them that he is only doing his job. Another good idea is to bring a pen and paper or a tape recorder to Cup Parties because many interesting remarks are made and anything said can and should be used against them. Those remarks may make good photo captions. Three or four rolls of film is good for each semester or whatever the treasury can afford. It is recommended to place photos in an album that allows the Historian to put captions around the photos. The captions should state the names of Brothers and Pledges in the pictures and make the captions funny if possible while using good judgment. Last but not least, not all of the pictures taken have to be put in the album, good judgment should be used, taking into account the quality of the photo and the subject.

Legal Concerns

We are required to provide everyone with a copy of MA General Laws Prohibiting Hazing, Chapter 269 §17-19. In accordance with this law, here is your copy. Remember that MA Law, Federal Law, the University's Code of Student Conduct, and Fraternity Bylaws apply both for Brothers and Pledges.

Section 17. Whoever is a principal organizer or participant in the crime of hazing as defined herein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three thousand dollars or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment.

The term "hazing" as used in this section and in sections eighteen and nineteen, shall mean any conduct or method of initiation into any student organization, whether on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person. Such conduct shall include whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to weather, forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug, or other substance, or any brutal treatment or forced physical activity which is likely to adversely affect the physical health or safety of any such student or other person, or which subjects such student or other person, or which subjects such student or other person to extreme mental stress, including extended deprivation of sleep or rest or extended isolation.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section to the contrary, consent shall not be available as a defense to any prosecution under this action.

Section 18. Whoever knows that another person is the victim of hazing as defined in section seventeen and is at the scene of such crime shall, to the extent that such person can do so without danger or peril to himself or others, report such crime to an appropriate law enforcement officials soon as reasonably practicable. Whoever fails to report such crime shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars.

Section 19. Each institution of secondary education and each public and private institution of post secondary education shall issue to every student group, student team, or student organization which is part of such institution to use its name or facilities or is known by the institution to exist as an unaffiliated student group, student team or student organization, a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen; provided, however, that an institution's compliance with this section's requirements that an institution issue copies of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen to unaffiliated student groups, teams or organizations shall not constitute evidence of the institution's recognition or endorsement of said unaffiliated student groups, teams, or organizations.

Each such group, team or organization shall distribute a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen to each of its members, plebes, pledges, or applicants for membership. It shall be the duty of each such group, team or organization, acting through its designated officer, to de liver annually, to the institution an attested acknowledgment stating that such group, team, or organization has received a copy of this section and said sections seventeen and eighteen, and that such group, team or organization understands and agrees to comply with the provisions of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen.

Each institution of secondary education and each public or private institution of post secondary education shall, at least annually, before or at the start of enrollment, deliver to each person who enrolls as a full time student in such institution a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen. Each institution of secondary education and each public or private institution of post secondary education shall file, at least annually, report with the regents of higher education and in the case of secondary institutions, the board of education, certifying that such institution has complied with its responsibility to inform student groups, teams or organizations and to notify each full time student enrolled by it of the provisions of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen and also certifying that said institution has adopted a disciplinary policy with regard to the organizers and participants of hazing, and that such policy has been set forth with appropriate emphasis in the student handbook or similar means of communicating the institution' s policies to its students. The board of regents and, in the case of secondary institution, the board of education shall promulgate regulations governing the content and frequency of such reports, and shall forthwith report to the attorney general any such institutions which fail to make such reports.

If you cannot understand this, please do not ask us. Direct all questions on grammar, meaning, etc. to the Massachusetts General Court, State House, Boston MA 02133.

Weekend Equipment List

Required Equipment

Optional but nice!

Do not bring:

Standing Rules to Amend the Chapter Bylaws

  1. Only Active and Associate Brothers of Kappa Omicron chapter shall be entitled to speak on the floor, and only Active Brothers will be permitted to vote.
  2. Quorum shall be calculated by the number of Active Brothers at the time of the last chapter meeting prior to the Special Bylaws Assembly. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall report the number of Brothers to determine quorum. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall keep a tally at the entrance to facilitate a ruling by the chair on a quorum call.
  3. Brothers who count towards quorum shall be seated at the front of the assembly. Non-delegate Brothers and observers may watch the proceedings from the gallery located behind the assembly. The gallery shall be cleared during any executive session called by the assembly.
  4. There shall be a speakers list, both pro and con, for each proposed main motion and amendment when required. Equal numbers shall be allowed to speak on behalf of each side, and no more than three (3) speakers per side. The speakers list shall be taken after the presentation on the amendment by the amendment proposer before any discussion by the Brotherhood. Each Brother on the speakers list may speak once for not more than three (3) minutes.
  5. Each proposed amendment shall be given up to twenty (20) minutes of debate and discussion by the speakers list and Brothers seeking clarifications and points of information. At the end of twenty (20) minutes, a motion to call the question by the chair shall be in order.
  6. Brothers seeking the floor shall state their reasons before proceeding with their remarks. Each Brother may speak in debate once for not more than three (3) minutes and at the discretion of the chair, a second time for not more than two (2) minutes on the same question.
  7. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for the general decorum during the meeting. The Sergeant-At-Arms has the authority, with appropriate discretion, to remove a person from assembly for limited period of time, or remainder of meeting, relative to the severity of the disturbance.
  8. All initial votes shall be via voice; a standing vote shall be counted whenever a proper call for division is made; a written ballot shall be obtained whenever as many as ten (10) percent of the active Brothers present and in the assembly so request.
  9. All motions from the floor of five (5) words or more, other than those related to procedural matters, shall be submitted in writing to the Recording Secretary at the time offered from the floor.
  10. 10. A motion to adjourn shall not be in order until eighty (80) percent of the proposals be considered by the chapter. The Special Assembly shall be adjourned sine die no later than 11:59 PM on the date of the bylaw meeting. The Special Assembly shall adjourn to a fellowship event. No business beyond the Special Assembly shall be conducted on that date.

Chapter Meeting Formats

To help make our meetings shorter and more efficiently, we will be using a better meeting format. The standard format will be:

  1. I. Opening
  2. II. Reading of Minutes
  3. III. Reports
    1. A. Service Vice-President
    2. B. Membership Vice-President
    3. C. Fellowship Vice-President
    4. D. Administrative Vice-President
    5. E. Treasurer
    6. F. President
  4. IV. Committee Meeting or Reports (Optional)
    1. A. Service
    2. B. Membership
    3. C. Fellowship
    4. D. Finance
    5. E. Ad Hoc
  5. V. Orders for the Day
    1. A. Pledge Trainer
    2. B. Others
  6. VI. Old Business
  7. VII. New Business
  8. VIII. Announcements
  9. IX. Program/Workshop
  10. X. Closing

Occasionally, there will be meetings which differ from this format to handle special concerns or projects the chapter may be involved with.

In the past, some meetings which have taken hours to complete could have been done in minutes if the brotherhood was organized. The Chapter will use Robert's Rules of Order during the meetings. Everything you will need to know can be found in the National Pledge Manual.

Robert's Rules are designed to make things run smoother and quicker. For the most part, we will be using only about half a dozen motions. Most of them are common sense and can be picked up in a few minutes.

Some other rules we will be using are:

  1. Time limits shall be set for each agenda item prior to discussion. Unless otherwise indicated, Brothers can speak once on an issue for no more than 3 minutes on an issue until all others have spoken.
  2. We will try to keep each issue as brief as possible - ideally 15 minutes or less.
  3. If you have an item that needs to be discussed, let the President know at 48 hours before the meeting so the item can be included in the agenda and posted. If an item does not make the agenda, it can only be mentioned at the meeting as an announcement. An announcement must be submitted to the chair in writing prior to the commencement of a meeting.
  4. An agenda shall be made available to the brotherhood at least 24 hours before the chapter meeting.
  5. There shall be 2 speakers supporting and 2 speakers opposing the proposed motion on all discussions, unless less can be found to support either position. In such case, the discussion shall be limited to one on each side.
  6. Brothers of Alpha Phi Omega who are not Active Brothers of Kappa Omicron Chapter must petition the chair in writing before being recognized to speak.
  7. Attendance at Brotherhood and Committee Meeting (if held) is required for full attendance that week.
  8. Absences shall be counted as a half absence if there is a verifiable University permitted excuse.

Standing Committee reports are those reports from committees that have met and have a finding to report to the Brotherhood. Generally, the Chair of the committee (if an Executive Officer) will make that report.

Ad Hoc Committee reports are those reports from committees that have been formed for a specific, singular purpose and will expire upon the completion of their task.

Orders for the day are items of business that need to come before the chapter for a vote or discussion. These items must be forwarded to the President by the end of Thursday so an agenda can be made for brothers to review before the meeting. Business not listed on the agenda can only be presented in Announcements or New Business, with the approval of the chair.

Unfinished business consists of business the chapter has tabled to a later discussion, or the resuming of motions not voted upon before the premature adjournment of a meeting.

Chapter Goals for the future


Maintain a Kappa Omicron Chapter Alumni Association Communicate with Alumni at least twice during the semester Maintain an accurate, up-to-date Alumni List, Improvement of Ritual Equipment, Better Communication of Pledge Program Expectations, More interaction between Brothers and Pledges, Provide all Brothers and Pledges with a Chapter Handbook, Make contact with inactive Brothers and attempt to reactivate them, Better review of Pledges prior to initiation, Develop plans for Fortieth Anniversary Reunion in 1993, Recruit Pledge Classes of at least 15 members each semester, Sponsor Area Informational Sessions and Rushes, Develop standardized Pledging requirements from semester to semester, Involve the 5 College Community in Alpha Phi Omega Improvement of the Big Brother/ Little Brother Program, Poster and Rush other 5-College Campuses



Operation Identification, Bike Auction, Involvement with Admissions Office Programs, Involvement with Alumni Office Programs, including Student Host Program, Alpha Phi Omega Sponsored Movie in Campus Center, Campus Beautification Projects,

Plant a Sturdy Oak Tree for our Fortieth Anniversary on Campus, Campus-wide Volleyball Tournament, More involvement with the Greek Area, Obtain a permanent seat in the community service program on campus, Sponsor a murder mystery night.


More Involvement with local shelters More involvement with Alpha Phi Omega Soup Kitchen - off season Off Season Food Drive More involvement with Jones Library Fund Channel 57 More involvement with environmental groups and natural areas More involvement with local residential programs Develop new areas to expand this area of service


Office Renovations Tutoring Program Chapter Book Swap Develop new programs to expand this area of service Chapter book swap board Study nights to be held at least once a week.


Further the Involvement in Scouting Activities Encourage brothers and pledges to register in Scouting movement Sponsor an Explorer Post and a Campus Girl Scouts group Work as group or individually with local troops and councils Attend Boy Scout Roundtables and Girl Scout Service Unit Meetings Develop a Badge Counselor List for use by Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts More involvement with Boy Scout Troop 11 and Girl Scout Troop 111, Northampton Create new Scout University program


Recognition, Preservation, and Development of Chapter History and Tradition Sponsor a Co-ed Intramural Softball Team

Sponsor a Co-ed Intramural Volleyball Team

One Blue & Gold Day for Brothers and Pledges each month Color Days

Improvement of Office Atmosphere

Weekly Fellowship Activities

Backpacking Trip for interested brothers

Sponsor painting party

Design a Kappa Omicron T shirt

Sponsor an international food night each semester


Develop Chapter Budget and Sub-account system Maintain a Chapter Store of Fraternity merchandise Sponsor vendors on the Campus Center Concourse as frequently as possible Leave chapter in more secure financial state

Develop successful fund raising effort to raise revenue for chapter Sponsor a booth at the Westover Air Show in July 1993 Better Record keeping of Chapter Finances

Financial Records made available to Executive Officers for planning purposes Collect overdue fees

Create a budget policy


Maintain the Chapter's Advisory Committee Inform Brothers of activities with at least two weeks prior notice Better publicity of rush, service projects, activities, etc. Better image, presence, and relations with University Administration and Campus Materials and Communication to National Fraternity in a timely manner Involvement in Section, Regional, and National Activities Officers trained at Chapter President's Workshop Complete the H. Roe Bartle Chapter Award Hold biweekly Executive Committee meeting s Participate in Inter-chapter Activities

Acquire appliances for Chapter Office Coordinate Housing Arrangements for brothers interested in Off-campus housing Make permanent service commitments Establish firm deadlines for all necessary activities and increase publicity of these deadlines

Create a standard form of posting notices in the office Hold a monthly review of chapter goals at a brotherhood meeting

Chapter Bylaws