Credit for photos and captions, unless noted otherwise, given to period Chapter Historian.
Our activities at Belchertown included such things as painting, cleaning up, and playing basketball with the students, which is always good times for everyone concerned. Some of the Belchertown students, incidentally, could probably give the brothers a few pointers on how to play basketball.
At Camp Andrson we started the construction of another cabin. Although there
was snow on the ground we were still able to get
started on the cabin. We were able to get the foundations put in, which was
at least a reasonable accomplishment. One of our major problems was clearing
the area, as the following picture illustrates.
A newly initiated project this semester was the S.C.R.E.W. Award (the Student Committee for the Re-evaluation of Educator's Weltanschauuang). The SCREW Project was moderately successful with a great deal of effort put forth by cochairman Bernie Faucher and Frank Evans. We were able to raise $55 for the library fund from this project. The following newspaper clipping shows Frank Evans (sometimes referred to as Frnak) donating the check.