Credit for photos and captions, unless noted otherwise, given to period Chapter Historian.
Last updated April 17, 2009
Another highly successful project this semester was Las Vegas Night. Under the chairmanship of Al Arcidiacono, Carl Northrup, and yours truly we were able to raise $550 earmarked for playground at Belchertown State School. This year's Las Vegas Night featured blackjack, poker, dice cages, craps, roulette, and other games of chance, the queen's contest, the auction, and (as an added attraction) Charlie Bradshaw at the piano. The queen's contest this year featured thirteen candidates. The winner was Stephanie Godette from Coolidge representing Kennedy Upper. The following pictures show some of the activities of Las Vegas Night.
Putza prefers the suave, sophisticated, continental approach to the game of blackjack. |
Ronnie-pooh, on the other hand, prefers the "Hey you, whatcha want?" approach. |
Charlie Mavrelion holds down the fort at the queens' table as the money just keeps pouring in. |
This is that dashing, debonair man-about-town Carl Northrup, dressed to kill, you might say. |
Larry Post works the roulette wheel as Leo and Peggy handle the money. |
Izzy, Diane Monica, and Ric work the whatchamacallit wheel. |
Charlie Bradshaw provided several hours of continuous entertainment at the piano. |
"Fast Marty" Leffler shows his style as everyone watches intently. |
Tom "Fumble Fingers" Sabin shows his style as everyone ignores him completely. |
![]() The night's activities were capped off with an auction. This picture is an indication of the kind of crowd we had that night. |