The school year 1951 - 52 saw a new organization appear at the University of Massachusetts. The several months a small group of students and faculty members had been working towards a goal. The first organizational meeting was held on October 16th 1951 in room 11 of the physical education building, and that meeting may well be considered as the initial step towards the founding of Kappa Omicron chapter of Alpha Phi Omega on the campus.

The second meeting soon followed. At this meeting held on October 23rd, offices were elected as follows; Ronald Manaback, president; Alfred Swenson, Vice President; Frederick Creed, treasurer; A. Charles Lincoln, recording secretary; Stephen Sorrow,  corresponding secretary; Richard Beddows, historian; Gil Waldbauck, service projects: and  Ralph Lawton, publicity.

As time passed, the organization, in accordance with the purpose for which was formed, began to investigate ways of helping the campus and the surrounding communities. Among the projects discussed were; formation of fire inspection teams, providing assistant scoutmasters, and putting up bulletin boards for ride notices. However, money was also required and so it was voted to charge dues of 50 cents per semester.

A necessary project underway at this time was the writing of a suitable constitution to be submitted to the Student Life committee for approval. This was completed and in March received approval from student life and President Van Meter.

On April 15th the offices that would head the fraternity on installation day were elected. A junior William Whitmore, was chosen as president and thus became the first official president of Kappa Omicron. His Vice President Richard Beddows was also a junior. David Houston was elected treasurer, while Gilbert LaFreniare became recording secretary, and Russell Taylor assume the duties of corresponding secretary and historian. The Sergeant at Arms, chosen at a later meeting, was Theodore Small.

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